Monday, August 17, 2009

A Softer Side

At 2 months old, Jaden has already offered me new perspective on not only my life, but those surrounding me. Holding a baby, strangers present a softness that otherwise goes unnoticed. People are more likely to exchange a smile, share a story, and relate to personal experiences. Just the other day, while leaving a doctor's office in the city, I found myself unprepared, carrying my son through the city streets into a rainstorm. A perfect stranger handed me her umbrella explaining that my son and I needed it more than she did. That very same day, a tattooed metal-head-of-a-man stuck somewhere between 1985 and 1992 offered a sympathetic smile as my baby began to cry. He also offered his thoughts on how lucky I was to be holding such a beautiful baby. Babies soften even the toughest and strongest of characters as they offer an innocence that sometimes seems lost. 


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