Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello Third Trimester

Happy 28 weeks! Looking through various websites and pregnancy books, I've learned that by now, my little embryo is actually a baby. His senses are furnished, he wiggles his fingers, his testicles are intact, and he even plays with his toes. He is a full and complete baby, minus the whole being born thing. So as I enter my third trimester I can take pride in the fact that I actually made a human being. 

In the second trimester, it was easy to forget about my pregnancy. Of course I grabbed at my stomach and watched my body change as often as I could, but still, feeling terrific, an entire afternoon would flash by without a single ache or side effect. Now today, I scream, "HELLO THIRD TRIMESTER!" Within a two week period, my body has morphed into a pregnant lady's side-effected checklist. Lack of sleep? Check! Hips expanding at an unprecedented speed to the point of wobbly legs? Check! Frequent bathroom breaks? Check! Stating, "Oh shit!" when a full bladder hits a pothole while driving? Double check!! I knew it was coming, but am completely shocked at the rapid pace in which I have become a groaner when standing up and a moaner when sitting down.  Still, it seems that all mothers out there seem to have an excuse as to how each side effect helps to prepare your future of babydom. They are all listed in book after book. Amazing enough, as many times as you read them, it doesn't sink in until you actually go through the process. I believe this is why day after day, year after year, women continue to have children. We all have mental blocks. The beauty of life smacks out the aches and bodily leaks until we completely forget. 

And have I mentioned that they say that childbirth hurts? Funny, because I can't seem to get myself to read past the eight month chapter in any of my ten pregnancy books. I too am blocking out the inevitable in exchange for a future coo. 

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