Monday, February 16, 2009

Swimming to the Winner's Circle

A flashback to how it all started. Well, not how, because you should all know how that happens...

I shrieked, I actually shrieked when I knew I was pregnant. But Marc was at work and I had to wait to tell him until he was home. I couldn't exactly call my mom as she'd be a nervous mess only 4 week in. And as tempted as I was, I wouldn't dare tell my best friend without telling my husband first. But I had to tell someone. I had to tell anyone. I just had to say it aloud, "I'M PREGNANT". So I called the first person I could think of; My doctor. Once the receptionist answered the phone, I blurted it out, "I'm pregnant!" She asked how far along, and that's when I had to laugh. "Oh, maybe five minutes?" After a quick chuckle, she realized my excitement and agreed to set up an appointment to put my anxious mind at ease. 

And the next two hours were spent pacing the house and squeezing my dog as I waited for my husband to come home from work. It only took six "Where the hell are you!" phone calls for him to wonder what my problem was.  

When he finally got home, I told him in the most creative way I knew how. In the bathroom was where I peed on the stick, so why would I tell him anywhere else? As a matter of fact, this is where I peed on the stick twice, just to be completely sure and just to shake my body out of shock. Knowing he'd be home soon,  I shoved the sticks in the medicine cabinet because apparently I felt that I needed more proof than nine months would bring. Then I quickly made a card. On the front was a sperm entering an egg with the caption "X + Y = " and the inside read "We cracked the code!" Marc came home and I did all that I could to not jump on him, but instead just screamed to open the medicine cabinet. He pulled out the card, read it, and drum roll...nothing. Nothing! Just a "What do you mean?" (Enter thirty second pause here.) And then it hit!  He started to cry, tears streaming down his face. And that's when he said those romantic loving words that I longed to hear... "I'm just so glad that my guys can swim!" 

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