Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Shaving Incident

I'm constantly amazed at the speed and progression that your body immediately takes on once pregnant. As soon as you get used to your bra size, some other item of clothing is sneaking into your butt crack, cutting into your cleavage, or increasing in pant size. Yet another surprise came today. While showering I decided today was Shaving Day. I quickly and easily shaved my underarms and legs without thought or change in routine. Next up was the bikini line (as I try to maintain my femininity despite my ever-growing image). After lathering up, I reached down for the cut, but was momentarily forced to pause as I realized that my view was slightly altered. There was a bump in the way. I tried to suck in but my stomach didn't budge. I twisted but there was nowhere to twist. No matter which way I moved, I could not get full view.  For some reason, this obstacle never crossed my mind. I can now only laugh as I now make the connection of how the waxing industry stays so strong despite the torturous pain.  

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes that happens to me after a night of a lot of pasta and beer :)
    Great stories - miss you.
